Web tools are used in classrooms all around the world. Web tools help students and teachers interact and make learning fun! While completing the Web tools assignment, I learned how to create a rubric, create an online study set, create an online worksheet, and create an online puzzle.
Rubrics are a necessity for teacher to have because they allow the students to know exactly what they will be graded on. An online study set can be used by a teacher as a center. The teacher could set up the study set on computers and allow the students to study for the test as a fun center. An online worksheet is great for teachers to use because it allows the creation of a worksheet, by simply keying in information wanted present on the worksheet. An online puzzle is also a useful tool to make creating puzzles easy for teachers. For example, a teacher can use the online puzzle tool to create a crossword puzzle to allow students to practice vocabulary words.
The Web tools assignment ties to the NETS-T standard one: Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments. Face-to-face meets the standards for the worksheet and puzzle, which can be completed individually or in a group setting. The virtual environment standard can be met by using the online study set because students have to use technology (computer) to complete the study set.
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